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Mama Will Provide Lyrics

Album/Collection: Once on this Island soundtrack
Notes: Asaka's song to lead Ti Moune to the city
Online Since: 24-Apr-2005
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
Number of Vote: 2
Provided by: Shadow13
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You've never been away from the sea child,
You gonna need a helping hand.
A fish has got to learn to swim on land.
Walk with me litle girl don't you be afraid.
Follow me little girl let me be your guide.
A pretty thing like you
Will need a thing or two,
And whatever you need
Mama will provide.
Down the road little girl you may loose your way.
All alone in a world that may seem too wide.
But sit on mama's lap,
And I will draw a map!
And whatever you need,
Mama will provide.
I'll provide you
To soften the road,
To sit on.
To sleep underneath,
Sand, fun for your toes.
To fill up your belly.
To fan your face.
For making your bed.
Bugs will bite little girl and the night will fall.
All alone in the dark you'll be terrified.
But you will make it through.
Cause I am likeing you!
And whatever you need
Mama will provide.
Walk with me little girl and I'll take you far.
'Round each bend little friend I'll be by your side!
That's what a mama's worth,
To give her child the earth!
And whatever you need, 
Mama will......

Mama Will Provide Lyrics

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