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Human Heart Lyrics

Album/Collection: Once on this Island Soundtrack
Notes: Erzulie's love song for Ti Moune and Daniel
Online Since: 24-Apr-2005
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The courage of a dreamer,
The innocence of youth,
The failures and the foolishness
That lead us to the truth.
The hopes that make us happy,
The hopes that don't come true,
And all the love there ever was,
I see this all in you.
You are part
part of the human heart.
You are part
of all who took the journey,
and managed to endure.
The ones who knew such tenderness,
The ones who felt so sure.
The ones who came before you,
The others yet to come.
And those who you will teach is to,
And those you learend it from.
you are part
Part of the human heart.
You are part.
This is the gift I give.
Through your love
You'll live,
Part of the human heart.

Human Heart Lyrics

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