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I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts Lyrics

Album/Collection: More Fun In The New World
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  The facts we hate: we'll never meet.      
  walking down the road. Everybody yelling
  "hurry up!" "hurry up!"  But i'm waiting
  for you, I must go slow.  I must not      
  think bad thoughts.  When is this         
  world coming to?  Both sides are          
  right but both sides murder.  I           
  give up; why can't they?  I must          
  not think bad thoughts.  The civil        
  wars and the uncivilized wars.            
  conflagrations leap out of every          
  poor furnace.  The food cooks             
  poorly and everyone goes hungry.          
  from then on it's dog eat dog, dog        
  eat body, & body eat dog.  I can't        
  go down there.  I can't understand it.
  I'm a no good coward & an american too.
  a north american, that is not a south     
  or a central. Or a native american.       
  oh i must not think bad thoughts.  I'm
  guilty of murder of innocent men,         
  innocent women, innocent children,       
  thousands of them!  My planes, my guns,
  my money, my soldiers, my blood on ny     
  hands, it's all my fault!  I must not     
  think bad thoughts.  I must not think     
  bad thoughts.  The facts we hate:         
  you'll never hear us.                     
  "I hear the radio is finally gonna         
  play new music, you know, the             
  british invasion."  But what about         
  the Minutemen, Flesh Eaters, DOA,         
  Big Boys. And the Black Flag?  Will       
  the last american band to get played      
  on the radio please bring the flag?       
  please bring the flag!  Glitter-disco-
  synthesizer night school.  All this       
  noble savage drum, drum, drum.            
  astronauts going back in time to hang     
  out with the cave people.  It's about     
  time, it's about space. It's about       
  some people in the strangest place.       
  woody guthrie sang about b-e-e-t-s
  not b-e-a-t-s.  I must not think 
  bad thoughts, I must not think
  bad thoughts, the facts we hate:

I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts Lyrics

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