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Forget The Flowers Lyrics

Album/Collection: Being There
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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You're tryin' my patience, try pink carnations, red roses and yellow
Don't forget the flowers Sunday, I know you will
Displayers of affection and all good intentions, why don't you just send
me the bill
Don't forget the flowers someday, I know you will
Whether you've been takin' me way too seriously, ewwwewwhoo
I can't ever explain why I don't feel the pain, ewwewwhoo
I left you behind I know its been along time, but I'm not over you
Don't forget the flowers someday, I hope I do
You're tryin' my patience, try pink carnations, red roses and yellow
Don't forget the flowers someday
I know I will
Don't forget the flowers someday, I know I will

Forget The Flowers Lyrics

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