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Someone Else's Star Lyrics

Album/Collection: Bryan White
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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Alone again tonight
without someone to love 
The stars are shining bright
So one  more wish goes up 
Oh, I wish I may 
And I wish  I  with all  my might
For the love I'm dreaming of
And missing in my life

You'd think that I could find 
A true love of my own
It happens all the time  
To people that I know
Their Wishes  all come true
So  I've got to believe 
There's still someone out there who 
Is meant for only me

I guess i must be wishin' 
On someone else's star 
It seems liek someone else 
Keeps getting what i'm wishin' for
Why can't I be as lucky  as those other people are
I guess I must be wishin' 
On someone else's star

I sit  here int he dark 
and stare up at the sky
But I can't give my heart
One good reason why
Everywhere I look
It's lovers that i see
Seems like everyone's in love
with everyone but me


Why Can't I be as lucky 
As those other people  are
Oh I guess I must be wishin' 
On someone else's star

Someone Else's Star Lyrics

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