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Corduroy Lyrics

Album/Collection: Seamonsters
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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And now I've kissed you, I'll show you how I've missed you
Before you even say a word, I already heard
No, someone told me, but don't speak now just hold me
You wandered up a cul-de-sac, and now you've come back

So did you leave him? I'm sure you didn't deceive him
Just the same you're here today, wanting to stay
Have I upset you?  Well I tried hard to forget you
Now you're saying "Look, I came, let's try again..."

I'll make you laugh, when you see this photograph
It's not from that day, I threw all those away
It's just some boy, probably dressed in corduroy
He grew up fast but you've not changed at all

How can I trust you.  No, I'm not trying to rush you
But I was here when you ran; I don't think I can
I won't desert her and I'm not about to hurt her
I worshipped you once before, and you slammed the door

I'll make you laugh, when you see this photograph
It's not from that day, I threw all those away
It's just some boy, probably dressed in corduroy
He grew up fast but you've not changed at all

Corduroy Lyrics

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