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X-Ray Mirror Lyrics

Album/Collection: Nothingface
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Tunnel seems so long
Touching the bottom
A slim reflexion
Punctured my vision
I didn't notice
Beside the last door
Standing on nothing
There was a mirror

Even inside...scrutinized
I am, he is, the face I hate
Refracting cells and prismed self
Who's x who's y in a blank place
I can't believe this is my image
Like the mirror without a frame

Baring a scarred side
Open in daylight
Recoil and reply
Farside of my pride
The introspection
Ruptures the blood core
Draws out the mirror
Seeking me out
What will he find?

I am, he is, a repugnant state
I can't shake this curiosity
My privacy starts to fade
I can't believe this is my image
Like the mirror

A polar exchange
He gloating over my fleeting image
He used to be me
He knows who is free
How long will I wait...here
Stuck in this void place...here
I can't believe I am the immage
Within the mirror
Into the chrome lake
The glass is broken
But I look the same

X-Ray Mirror Lyrics

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