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War And Pain Lyrics

Album/Collection: War And Pain
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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In the smoke of the combat
No gods give you the guts
You see the fire in the sky
The bombs fall by your side
I put the powder in my gun
Let me free, let me run
Armed with swords and hash
I. run, kill and fight
I remove the knife in your sore
I beleive in the death's call
I live to kill, create war and pain
You die for fire, burns in flames
Our disaster is not complete today
We make no diffents because
You fall in fate
The war punishes, and the war resists
The wildness shouts
The blood burts out
We're going in hell tonight
For another loud attack
And you see in the mist
Black flag is my mast
The canons creep
In your desert to kill
And no defence, no forces
You're the blood lust victims
In the smoke of combat
No Gods give you the guts.....

War And Pain Lyrics

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