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Time Warp Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Outer Limits
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 What will happen if I can't come back?
 What if I should fall between the cracks?
 Will I go back and forth down on-line?
 Wherever!  It's a question of time
 Watching my sand glass
 I count to a thousand
 I flip it over
 A lifetime in my hand
 I set the counter
 And switch on the power
 Transform my matter
 Am I gone forever?
 Am I tomorrow or yesterday?
 Another second's just passed away
 Upcoming present and future past
 Am I the first?  Could be the last
 Over and under
 I spiral down the line
 I'm getting closer
 I must be right on time
 Closer, closer

Time Warp Lyrics

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