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pearl's girl. Lyrics

Album/Collection: Second Toughest in the Infants
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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rioja rioja 
reverend al green 
deep blue morocco
the water on stone
the water on concrete
the water on sand
the water on firesmoke

the wind the salt the bright boat coming dave in the water old man 
einstein on top of his house white deep blue andaluzia red yellow 
red yellow black car red light far black place walls blue chair morocco 
hamburg paris the pieces of the puzzle are waiting the water of the 
dark boats gliding bright boats gone out to sea and dave is floating 
dave is floating an old man einstein crazy in his attic 


white room sun room shadow room night transmitting cars across the room
these things sent to dance across the room i'm watching from your bed

returning to you

rioja rioja 
reverend al green 
deep blue morocco
the water on stone
the water on concrete
the water on sand
the water on firesmoke

the wind the salt the bright boat coming dave in the water old man 
einstein on top of his house white deep blue andaluzia red yellow 
red yellow black car red light far black place walls blue chair morocco 
hamburg paris the pieces of the puzzle are waiting the water of the 
dark boats gliding bright boats gone out to sea and dave is floating 
dave is floating an old man einstein crazy in his attic


pearl's girl. Lyrics

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