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In Between Dances Lyrics

Album/Collection: 1
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Craig Bickhardt, Barry Alfonso)  
There's room at my table, why don't you pull up a seat? 
The music's inviting but I'm staying off of my feet 
The floor's getting crowded, but I don't wanna take part 
I bet you can guess it's got something to do with my heart 
I could sure use your company now 
But don't be mistaking my smile 
I'm only in between dances  
The partners are chosen, look at them waltzing away 
The tempo gets slower, closer and closer they sway 
I've had my moments when I could get lost in the sound 
But when the song ended the one in my arms let me down 
(Repeat Chorus) 
Have you been in my shoes? 
I search your eyes for signs 
Will you remain, remember my name 
After it's closing time 
(Repeat Chorus) 
I'm only in between dances 
Sitting it out for a while

In Between Dances Lyrics

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