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Play It Again Lyrics

Album/Collection: From Mighty Oaks
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Ray Thomas and Nicky James)

Let's play our song again,
Make me remember when
We both chased our rainbows through the rain,
Our lives belong within this song
That's something we cannot change,
So whatever you do and wherever you go 
The memories will always remain
Play it again, Oh play it again, for me
It maybe for the last time,
Please play it again, just for me,
It maybe for the last time.

Love's a simple melody,
Two souls in harmony,
Never seem to cast a shadow in the sun,
Our days were filled with laughter
While our nights were filled with love,
Sweet river flow make my head feel high
When I hear that haunting refrain
Play it again, Oh play it again, for me
It maybe for the last time,
Please play it again, for me,
For the last time.

If happiness lies between you tears and my sighs
Angry words won't ring true
Remember times we once knew
We lay in the sun
Joined together as one in love
When the song's over, we'll just say good-bye,
There'll be no-one left singing, no-one to cry,
I'll just be a solo man.

Let's play our song again,
Make me remember when
We both chased our rainbows through the rain,
Our lives belong within this song
And that's something we cannot change,
So whatever you do and where you go 
The memory will always remain,
Play it again, Oh play it again, just for me
It maybe for the last time,
Please play it again, just for me,
It maybe for the last time.


Play It Again Lyrics

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