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Hey Mama Life Lyrics

Album/Collection: From Mighty Oaks
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Ray Thomas and Nicky James)

Hey, hey mama life is a lonely time,
For a man who drinks his whiskey by the jar,
Now I do believe the life I lead
Won't get me very far
I was once told the streets were paved in gold,
Now I know them for what they are.

Hey, hey mama life has a sweeter sound
For a man who lives his life for his dream,
Yet he must be aware there are those who care 
And those who would bring him down,
Separate trust from your cut and thrust,
The truth can still be found

For the crossroads of your life
Will lead you almost anywhere,
You'll see tomorrow,
Your castles in the air
They were never really there.

Take the pride from a man
You're left without a meaning,
Take the wings from a bird, how can it fly,
Give him hope, give him trust and a little understanding,
Give him back his pride, you'll be satisfied.

Hey, hey mama life is a lonely time,
For a man who drinks his whiskey by the jar,
Now I do believe the life I lead
It won't get me very far
I was once told the streets, they were paved in gold,
Now I know them for what they are.


Hey Mama Life Lyrics

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