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Shroud Lyrics

Album/Collection: Into The Wire
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(R. Resmini)

Spent years deadening my nerves  Turn violence inward  Rise to the sight 
Grey industrial haze shroud over the city  Resign rationale for 
reptilian calm  All frustrations mount and spiral  Anneal my animus  
Slavering teeth rake venom from my tongue  Dredge up far reaching 
horrors  Suffer patiently  Invite infection to nourish the cancer  
Unparalleled extremes  Enter, if you will, virgin territory  No comfort 
here inside this, the bleak house  Darkness absolute  A pure form 
imitation of life  Room antiseptic white, blank expressionless   Sliding 
hands across the plaster  Feel for faults and fractures  My head 
swimming in circles  Floating endless slipstream  Body salamander slick  
Shriveled as a newborn  Vigor wrenched out in pools of salt water  
Ground to a halt  Beat of life pulsing intermittently vacillating - 
Indecisive  Sliding hands across the plaster  Feel for faults and 
fractures  Breathe deep the frigid air  Cough on the numbing sting of 
sleeps pins and needles  It's like swallowing razors  Jagged pieces of 
glass and steel  Stare into the sun with frozen open eyes  Searching for 
a simple diversion  Self-induced sense deprivation  Stare into the sun 
with frozen open eyes   Stare into the sun with frozen open eyes  
Icicles form in the furrows of my brows  Sub-zero and sweating  Stare 
into the sun  Frozen open eyes

Shroud Lyrics

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