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Serenity In Murder Lyrics

Album/Collection: Divine Intervention
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Jeff Hanneman/Kerring King/Tom Araya)

Let me take you down without a sound
Dead before you hit the ground
Blood washes my hand, can't understand
Sterilizing my pain

Washed away with crimson tide
By the hand I keep testing time
Quench the fire that drives my soul
Soothing me as death takes toll

Peaceful and serene, slowly bleeding
Eyes once bright are now fading
Pallid ashen face against my skin
Staring blindly at some distant place

Washed away by crimson tide
By my hand I keep testing time
Straight flesh face adorns your neck
Spilling your blood all over my flesh

Quench the fire that drives my soul
Soothing me as death takes toll
Divine godsend enveloping me
Spiritual ecstacy sets me free

Serenity In Murder Lyrics

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