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Haunting Lyrics

Album/Collection: Boys In The Trees
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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There's always someone haunting someone -- haunting someone
Like an echo the wind leaves, unreconciled --
Waiting to be picked up and bounced down again on
Listeners ears

There's always someone haunting someone -- haunting someone
And you know who I am
Though I never leave my name or number
I'm locked inside of you so it doesn't matter

There's always someone haunting someone -- haunting someone
And you know who I am
Though I never leave my name or number
I'm locked inside of you so it doesn't matter

There's always someone haunting someone -- haunting someone
And I can't sleep easy
'Cause I'm afraid of dreaming
And then the memory of the dream
There's always someone haunting someone
Haunting someone
Haunting someone

Haunting Lyrics

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