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Observer Above Lyrics

Album/Collection: Raging Romance
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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You always were sure who you are and what
   you'll be
How to get what you want
But sometimes there're days when you lose
   your goal
Ask yourself what's beyond

What's right what's wrong in life?
Sometimes there're many whys
Can you imagine there're someone who rolls the
A deep dimension
Love and wisdom for your life
A weapon 'gainst the thing which cuts in like a

Justice for -
children of the observer

- from above

There're so many ways for a crisis to come
Where're the strength to fight it down?
D'you you really believe that you got a real chance?
If you're all on your own

When all in you's sorrow!

If you would only know
You're all leaves in the storm
Just by the grace of god that you fell safe and
His love is everywhere 
So we can take it all
None would have to want - no one would have
   to fall
If you would only know...

Observer Above Lyrics

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