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Lackluster Lyrics

Album/Collection: Every Six Seconds
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Hey, I'm falling away and my skins turn grey with time. 
Hey, and I'm dead in my grave why don't somebody tell me why. 
Cause I'm hopeless, and I'm stupid and I'm helpless and I'm useless 
that's why I'm stuck in you. 
Hey, I am turning away from a soul that you claim with desire. 
Hey, can I give you the pain can you take it away just tonight. 
I wish that we'd never gone this far. 
And I wish I could take it away and celebrate how wrong you are. 
And no one can make me feel like you. 
And no one can thrill me like you do. 
Is it something in your head, is there pleasure in your pain, is it words 
that you didn't say. 
Or is it something inside me. 
I wish that we'd never gone this far. 
And I wish I could take it away and celebrate how wrong you are. 
And now one can make me feel like you. 
And no one can thrill me like you do. 
I can feel your fingers inside me. 
I can feel your eyes fixed upon me. 
I can feel your legs wrapped around me. 
I can feel your legs wrapped around me. 
I can feel your eyes fixed upon me. 
I can feel the heat from your body. 
I can feel the heat from your body. 
I wish that we'd never gone this far, and I wish I could take it away 
and celebrate how wrong you are. 
And no one can make me feel like you. 
And no one can thrill me like you do. 
And no one can make me feel like you. 
And no one can kill me like you do.

Lackluster Lyrics

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