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Kent Lyrics

Album/Collection: Singles Bar
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Casanova you had it all, but you had to die one day
 Duchess Topless you had it all, but you had to cry one day
Cry one day, cry one day

Chorus : 
Why don't you live in a house in Kent
Spend all your money in Brent
Why don't you live in a house in Kent
And don't ever move
Why don't you live in a house in Kent
Believe that it's heaven sent
Live in a house in Kent
And don't ever move

SenĂ´r Picasso you had it all, but you had to die one day
Brandon Marlow you had it all, but you got to cry one day
Cry one day, cry one day

Repeat Chorus

Move, move, move ...

All you comedians you made us laugh, but you got to die one day
And cathedrals standing tall, well you got to fall some day
Fall some day, fall some day

Repeat Chorus

Move, move, move ...

Kent Lyrics

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