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Fascist Christ Lyrics

Album/Collection: No World Order
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Founding fathers and mothers left us a mandate
  We've got to separate the church and the state
  So get your head straight before it's too late
  And you drop it in the plate, you must appreciate

  Jesus and money make a man speak in tongues
  Scream out his lungs, roll in the dung
  And when the song is sung, he moves up another rung
  And the deaf and the dumb are the ones who get stung

  Here comes the sex police, they're at your bedroom door
  Movin' in next door, searchin' from floor to floor
  You know what they're lookin' for
  Someone's always keepin' score every time you dip the oar

  Love isn't fun no more

  Fascist christ, come to the rescue
  Gimme that old time religion, here it comes

  Let's get fundamental about this strange philosophy
  In which god and man are enemies
  In which there is no serenity unless you happen to believe
  Precisely what they want you to believe, and no diversity

  Come join the army and learn the noises
  That drown out the others' voices and please the devil
  Who rejoices when mankind has no choices
  And power exploits us, and peace avoids us

  Guess who to the rescue on a holy mission
  To uphold the tradition of the Spanish Inquisition
  And preempt your decision by forcing your confession
  Now let that be a lesson

  Who do you think you're messin' with?

  Somebody took our god away

Fascist Christ Lyrics

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