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Had It With You Lyrics

Album/Collection: Dirty Work
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I love you, dirty fucker 
Sister and a brother 
Moaning in the moonlight 
Singing for your supper 
'Cos I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 

You always seem to haunt me 
Always try to haunt me 
Serving out injuctions 
Shouting out instructions 
But I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 

And I love you with a passion 
In and out of fashion 
Always got behind you 
When other tried to blind you 
But I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 

It is such a sad thing 
To watch a good love die 
I've had it up to here babe 
I've got to say goodbye 
'Cos I had it I had it I had it with you 
And I had it I had it I had it with you 

Loved you in the lean years 
Loved you in the fat ones 
You're a mean mistreater 
You're a dirty dirty rat scum 
I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it I had it I had it with you 
I had it with you 
I had it with you 
I had it with you......... 

Had It With You Lyrics

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