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Let's Face It Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Speed Of Grace
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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It's over, baby, let's face it, baby
I'm seldom on your mind
It's over, baby, let's face it
I won't think you unkind

Go softly when you, go easy when you
Go sometime in the night
It's over, baby, let's face it
You and I, happens all the time

I know for certain, you give me nothin'
The next day I can't find
Outside it's raining, but nobody's changing
This water into wine

Cry softly when you talk to me
Our voices in the night
It's over, baby, let's face it
You and I, happens all the time

You and I, fade to black
Walking down the railroad track
One day we'll be looking back

It's over, baby, let's face it, baby
The lights are getting low
It's over, baby, let's face it
Let's pay the man and go

Go softly when you, go easy when you
Go sometime in the night
It's over, baby, I've faced it
You and I, happens all the time

Let's Face It Lyrics

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