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Baby Break It Down Lyrics

Album/Collection: Voodoo Lounge
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Baby break it down 
Baby break it down 
We've got a long way to go 
Baby break it down 
Baby break it down 
We've got a long way to go 

You're standing on your side 
I'm standing on mine 
It only needs one step 
And you could be crossing the line 
There's nothing between us 
Or maybe too much 
Whatever it is it's too fragile to touch 

Baby break it down 
Baby break it down 
We got a long way to go 
Baby break it down 
Wrap your love around 
Babe, you've got a long way to go 

And who jumps the fences 
And who builds the walls 
Whoever takes chances must surely fall 

Baby break it down 
Baby break it down 
Babe, you've got a long way to go 
Baby break it down 
You'll be safe and sound 
You've got a long way to go 
Babe, too far to go 
Too far to go 

There's no river running 
That we can't cross 
Does one or the other of us 
Have to be the boss 

Baby break it down 
Baby break it down 
Babe, you've got a long way to go 
Baby break it down 
Wrap your love around 
A long way to go 

Baby break it down 
Wrap your love around 
Babe, you've got a long way to go 
Baby break it down 
Baby break it down 
Long way to go 

Long way to go 
You've got a long way to go 

Baby Break It Down Lyrics

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