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That's What They Always Say Lyrics

Album/Collection: Road To Hell
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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At the first bell of the day
They rise up from where they lay
And look down with a promise in their hands
A promise to get out
This ain't what it's all about
There's always lots of reasons for their plans
When that golden sun shines through
There's always one more thing to do
Just one more stab into the wishing well

That's what they always say, I'm getting out
That's what they always say, ain't that just what they always say
That's what they always say, just one more little thing left in my way
That's what they always say, ain't that just what they always say

I'm getting out, I'm holding on
I'm hanging in, the time is wrong
And every morning brings another reason
A piece of cake, no lions share
Just one more dice and you'll be there
That golden bridge is just around the bend

That's what they always say, I'm getting out
That's what they always say, ain't that just what they always say
That's what they always say, just one more little thing left in my way
That's what they always say, ain't that just what they always say

Tomorrow is another day
And the money junkie fades away
That golden bridge is just around the bend

That's what they always say, I'm getting out
That's what they always say, ain't that just what they always say
That's what they always say, just one more little thing left in my way
That's what they always say, ain't that just what they always say

That's What They Always Say Lyrics

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