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Daly City Train Lyrics

Album/Collection: Out Come The Wolves
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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He was an artist and a writer and a poet and a friend in a man's life he will
take a fall but how low he goes it just depends he's shooting dope in the
men's room at the station daly city train have you ever seen an angel well I
know I have they'll stay here for a while and then they'll fly away Jackyl had
a beer in his hand last time I seen him when he rolled the dice he never
thought twice never thought twice about being here some grown up and some grow
old but what about the kid who never learned the rules spent all these years
on this earth when you look back it's just a flicker of time Jackyl was one
of the one's that he was one of the one's that was already saved through all
the evil and wreckage he maintained a sense of himself some men are in prison
even though they walk the streets at night other men who got the lockdown are
free as a bird in flight

Daly City Train Lyrics

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