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Weekapaug Groove Lyrics

Album/Collection: Slip, Stich, And Pass
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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He walked on down the hall...
Walked on down the hall

He said, "Mother..."
"Father, I want to kill you..."
I want to cook you breakfast...
I want to cook you breakfast, Mother...
Mother...I wanna cook you breakfast...
Then I wanna...I wanna borrow the car...
Then I wanna borrow the car...
Then I wanna..."

Trying to make a woman match your moves
And I'm sharing in the Weekapaug groove
Trying to make a woman match your moves
And I'm sharing in the Weekapaug groove
Trying to make a woman match your moves
And I'm sharing in the Weekapaug groove

Weekapaug Groove Lyrics

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