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Character Zero Lyrics

Album/Collection: Billy Breathes
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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I was taught a month ago
To bide my time and take it slow
But then I learned just yesterday
To rush and never waste the day
Well I'm convinced the whole day long
That all I learn is always wrong
and things are true that I forget
But no one taught that to me yet

I ought to see the Man Mulcahey

I was taught a month ago
To bide my time and take it slow
But then I learned just yesterday
To rush and never waste the day
Now I'm convinced the whole day long
That all I learn is always wrong
And things are true that I forget
But no one taught that to me yet

I ought to see the Man Mulcahey (8x)

Character Zero Lyrics

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