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Down to Earth Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Hello there, Is there any air? Can you slow me down? 
Can you believe that what you see could never ever be so real somehow. 
Down to earth, my merry men. 
There's some help needed here and you're there. 
You can see if you stand on your chair. 
That there's millions and millions and 
millions and millions of people like 

Hello there, Do you really care? Have you time to learn? 
Could you believe that what you read 
one thousand pages couldn't tell you why. 
Down to earth, my merry men. 
There's some help needed here and you're there. 
You can see if you stand on your chair. 
That there's millions and millions and 
millions and millions of people like you . 

That there's millions and millions and 
millions and millions of people like you. 

Down to Earth Lyrics

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