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I Will Believe Lyrics

Album/Collection: Supersonic
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I'm locked up in chains
For the rest of my life
There's no one else to blame but me

The start of the day's
Just the end of the night
I'm feeling like I'm lost at sea
Sometimes is just seems so simple
I'm feeling like I'm down on my knees
Sometimes like a man in the middle
I don't know my own mind
Won't you let me be

Coz I can find you
Living in my world
Dragging me round
Just like a dog on a lead
But when I find my
Own peace of mind I
I will believe

I'm locked up in chains 
For the rest of my life
There's no one else to blame but me

Coz I can find you
Living in my world
Dragging me round
Just like a dog on a lead
But when I find 
My own peace of mind I
I will believe

I will believe

I Will Believe Lyrics

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