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Jack Ass Lyrics

Album/Collection: Odelay
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I been drifting along in the same stale old shoes 
Loose ends tying a noose in the back of my mind 
If you thought that you were making your way 
To where the puzzles and pagans lay 
Put it together: It's a strange invitation 
When I wake up someone will sweep up my lazy bones 
And we will rise in the cool of the evening 
I remember the way that you smiled 
When the gravity shackles were wild 
And something is vacant when I think it's all beginning 
I been drifting along in the same stale old shoes 
Loose ends tying a noose in the back of my mind 
If you thought that you were making your way 
To where the puzzles and pagans lay 
Put it together: It's a strange invitation

Jack Ass Lyrics

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