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Burnt Orange Peel Lyrics

Album/Collection: One Foot In The Grave
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Long ago things to be
Ive got a garden hose and a color tv
I've got time on my hands
I've got time on my hands
nobody cares what i do

Long ago things to do
I've got a burnt orange peel and a potato stew
I've got work to get done
I've got work to get done
nobody knows where to run

I've got a quart of milk and some sound advice
I've got trees to drink
but they smell so nice
don't give me the flu
nobody knows I'm with you

back and forth I dodge a fly
like a feather in the sky
write me out a check
give me all your cash
nobody knows, so just go home

Burnt Orange Peel Lyrics

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