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Scoff Lyrics

Album/Collection: Bleach
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)

Heal a million, kill a million (x3)

In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)

Heal a million, kill a million (x3)

In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)

Heal a million, kill a million (x3)

Scoff Lyrics

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