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Big Long Now Lyrics

Album/Collection: Incesticide
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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It's not cold enough
Please put this side up
She is moving through
Can we show our faces now?

I'm not interesting
She's not turning green
Shameful as it seems
Can we show our faces now?

Endless climb
I am blind
Why can't I leave? (Alt: Why can't I hear?)
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Waiting in line

It's not cold enough
Please put this side up
She is moving through
Can we show our faces now?

I'm not interesting
She's not turning green
Shameful as it seems
Can we show our faces now?

Endless climb
I am blind
Why can't I leave? (Alt: Why can't I hear?)
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Why am I sure?

Big Long Now Lyrics

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