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Closer (internal) Lyrics

Album/Collection: Closer
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god
you get me closer to god

i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to fuck you like an animal

you get me closer to god
you let me violate you
you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you
you let me complicate you
you let me violate you
you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you
you let me complicate you

i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to fuck you like an animal

Closer (internal) Lyrics

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