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Docklands Lyrics

Album/Collection: Street Angel
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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     Papa says there are clothes to wash
     Sister says brush your hair
     You'll go down to the laundromat
     Maybe your sister is there
     Father says when you're young like this 
     Things can seem pretty bad
     Let's get out and walk by the river

     And there are people who roam the Docklands
     And there are ships passing in the night
     And there are thousands of things that I have dreamed
     Gone in the daylight

     Sister says hold your head up high
     Life goes on so don't be afraid
     Keep your defenses but don't shut the loving out
     You got to learn to carry that weight

     And all the people who roam the Docklands
     And all the ships passing through the night
     And there are thousands of things that I have dreamed
     Gone in the daylight
     Sometimes I feel like I'm in a foreign land
     And there's a mirror I'm looking through
     Lost in the place where I was born
     Without a hand to hold on to

     Hold on hold on
     Hold on hold on

     In the Docklands where I was born 
     People keep moving to and fro
     Everybody's pushing trying to make it happen
     I beg of you I beg of you I beg of you 

     I miss you more than I thought I could
     I need you more than you know
     I was there when they took you away from me
     I'll be there when they let you go

     And then the people who roam the Docklands
     And all the ships passing in the night
     And the thousands of things that I have dreamed
     Stay in the daylight
     Sometimes I feel like I'm in a foreign land
     And there's a mirror I'm looking through
     Well bring me back to the place where I was born
     Without a hand to hold on to
     Give me your hand
     Give me your hand give me your hand
     Give me your hand in the Docklands
     I beg of you give me your hand 
     In the Docklands

Docklands Lyrics

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