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Jealous Lyrics

Album/Collection: Alanis
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Music and Lyrics by Alanis, Leslie How, & Serge Cote 

Make sure she's alright 
She just can't wait to party 
She'll make it look so easy 
Why won't you listen to me 

Jealousy - some girls have it rough oh baby 
Loyalty - why is that so tough, the trust is gone 

Jealous don't you know your girl is jealous 
She can't help but be suspicious 
Can't you see, that girl is jealous 
So better make it right 

Cruelty - it's easy for him to be 
Fallacy - you're out on a limb for him 

Conspiracy Anxiety she just can't wait to party 
Strategy totally she'll make it look so easy 
Loyalty disagree why won't you listen to me 
Fantasy Novelty she will be free 

Repeat Chorus 

Jealous - it's no fallacy 
Jealous - she doesn't trust you much 
Suspicious - so baby can't you see that girl 
don't trust you much make sure she's alright 

Repeat Chorus

Jealous Lyrics

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