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Called Off Lyrics

Album/Collection: Akimbo Alogo - 1984
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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calling out of London trying to save my life
heaven knows that i love her it's in my eyes
but she's calling this love off on account of a bruise
the loose talk and lies from her friends

'bout the women
'bout the bedrooms
'bout the booze

there are some things you can't tell to a woman
there are some things you can't do to a man
there are some things you can't tell to a woman
there are some things you just don't do to a man

you can lose most of your mind
being a player on the road
it feels so good when i get back home
but she's calling this love off on account of a bruise
cause of the loose talk and lies from her friends

there are some things you can't tell to a woman
there are some things you can't do to a man
there are some things you can't tell to a woman
there are some things you just don't do to a man

Called Off Lyrics

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