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Pain Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Price You Pay For The Life You Choose
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Come and enter my dark passion
Come too me - I need your pain
And you need mine
so take my hand, dear
and feal the whipp's caress

The pain - The pleasure
The suffer - The joy
The torment - The ecstacy
The passion - The pain

Come and let me play whith my toys
You'll scream in pain - I'll cry of joy
I know you like it as much as I do
so take my hand, dear
And feal the whipp's caress

The pain - The pleasure
The suffer - The joy
The torment - The ecstacy
The passion - The pain

I whant you to beg for mercy
I whant to see you suffer
I whant you to like it as much as I do
Then do the same to me...

The pain - The pleasure
The suffer - The joy
The torment - The ecstacy
The passion - The pain
The pain - The pleasure
The suffer - The joy
The torment - The ecstacy
The passion - The pain

The pain - The pleasure
The suffer - The joy
The torment - The ecstacy
The passion - The pain

Pain Lyrics

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