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Electrify Lyrics

Album/Collection: Hello Nasty
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Words comin forth like water from the tap
     Clap tracks line the spaces places papers people stack
     Back track through the minutes when the thoughts went insane
     I pulled the picture off the cover and blew out the mind games
     People say this is the playlist of the void non-bound
     But I can say this is the plainness of the peace I've found
     It's not the sorrow or the pity that we hope to dismantle
     It's the cast of past dice lighting both ends of the candles
     Scandelescent in the means I have dreamed on the schemes
     Reunited in the times of such picturesque scenes
     Can I get a witness to testify
     Open your eyes realize electrify

     So I plan and I scam and write it off on my taxes
     It's times like these I'll just go with the decisions of the masses
     And to the crowds who've come before with their profit massing
     To the greed that fucked it up and brought it down to today
     With pain I stand sane and remain holding strong
     Whilst all around me those who clowned me are now drowning
     by the throngs
     It's illogical the actions that are typically displayed
     A set back ain't all that much problem to invade
     So I will glow like a lantern on a new moon night
     I'll fight violence with these hands that weren't built to fight
     But like a furnace burning coal my goals are bound to burn in
     Whether achieved or dismantled by the agendas displayed
     Can I get a witness to testify?
     Open your eyes realize electrify

Electrify Lyrics

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