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Confusion Fog Lyrics

Album/Collection: Mirage
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I lost my mind a couple of gals ago
I left behind, never saw it go
Just a little bit of snow out on the leaves
Just confusion drifting swirling to my knees
I took the time a couple of days ago
To cross my mind, the only thing I know
Just a little bit of snow out on the leaves
Just confusion drifting swirling to my knees

Blue wind drift on
Blow through till the dust is gone
Gone, confusion fog

I drove too fast, hit the brakes too soon
I broke my wheels, blew my afternoon
There's just a little bit of snow out on the leaves
Just confusion drifting swirling to my knees

Blue wind drift on
Blow through till the dust is gone
Gone, confusion fog

I took the time, they never saw it go
I left behind the only thing I know
Just a little bit of snow out on the leaves
Just confusion drifting swirling to my knees

Blue wind drift on
Blow through till the dust is gone
Gone, confusion fog

Blue wind drift on
Blow through till the dust is gone
Gone, confusion fog

Confusion Fog Lyrics

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