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Lovey Dovey Lyrics

Album/Collection: As Good As Dead
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Don't you hate it when people are in love? - they're so -
They're so happy - so goddamned happy happy
Don't you hate it when people are in love? - they're so -
They're so happy - so fucking happy happy

I wanna cut you down
because it's not fair 
that you're so crystal clear
and glassy-eyed in love 

Dave and Heather - you see them fighting all the time
I kind of like that - I kind of need that
because I just hate it when people are in love - they're so
They're so happy - so goddamned happy

I wanna cut you down6
because it's not fair 
that you're so crystal clear
and glassy and you're
that you're so crystal clear
and glassy and you're
that you're so crystal clear
and glassy-eyed in love 

Don't you hate it?
Don't you hate it?
Don't you hate it?
Don't you hate it?

Lovey Dovey Lyrics

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