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Venim Del Nord, Venim Del Sud Lyrics

Album/Collection: Venim Del Nord Venim Del Sud
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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@AUTHOR: Llu¡s Llach

- Submitted by Albert Cla 
  (translation is not accurate, but... you get the meaning ;) )
- Thanks to Joan Bofill for giving the lyrics.
- If you read or like this, or want to comment something, please write me,
  i wanna hear from you!

Venim del nord, venim del sud        We come from north,
Venim del nord,                                         We come from north,
venim del sud,                                           we come from south
de terra endins,                                            from inner land
de mar enll...                                                  from sea away
i no creiem en les fronteres              and we don't believe in frontiers
si darrera hi ha un company                      if there's a fellow behind
amb les seves mans esteses                            with his hands opened
a un pervindre alliberat.                      to a liberated time to come.
I caminem per poder ser                        And we walk to be able to be
i volem ser per caminar.                       and we wanna be for walking.

Venim del nord,                                         We come from north,
venim del sud,                                           we come from south
de terra endins,                                            from inner land
de mar enll...                                                  from sea away
i no ens mena cap bandera                             and no flag drives us
que no es digui llibertat,                     if it's not the freedom one,
la llibertat dels meus companys.                     freedom of my fellows.
I volem ser per caminar                         And we wanna be for walking
i caminar per poder ser.                         and walk to be able to be.

Venim del nord,                                         We come from north,
venim del sud,                                           we come from south
de terra endins,                                            from inner land
de mar enll...                                                  from sea away
i no sabem himnes triomfants                and we don't know winning hymns
ni marcar el pas del vencedor                   nor mark time of the victor
que si la lluita ‚s sagnant                     that if the fight is bloody
ser... amb vergonya de la sang.                it will be for shame of blood.
I caminem per poder ser                        And we walk to be able to be
i volem ser per caminar.                       and we wanna be for walking.


Venim Del Nord, Venim Del Sud Lyrics

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