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Why Lyrics

Album/Collection: Based On A True Story
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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1 - Why do you keep doing this to me? 

And I fall for it every single time 

You make me believe you've changed 

Come to find out you're just making me a game 

Why do you keep doing this? 

No why do I keep doing this to myself 

Five thousands times we've been off and on 

Ain't taking your, if I can't be number one 

One more night I'm lying in my tears 

I'm lonely singing sad songs 

Can't believe that I was that gone 

But tonight I'm gonna face my fears 

Baby it's over, gotta let you go 

Cause to me you could never be faithful 

I know that the roses that she sends 

You used to say were mine 

They weren't mine 

Though I'm trying to hide my pride 

You know my heart is torn apart 

Repeat 1 

Out of sight is where to go for me 

I'll make it 

I'll get along 

No more crying, singing glad songs 

Out of mind is where I know you'll be 

You should've loved me when I was there 

Now the love is gone and I don't care 

I know about the dream you had 

You said that you dreamed of me 

I wasn't asleep 

You were all of my world 

But no more 

My heart is weak but my mind is sure 

Repeat 1 till end 

Why Lyrics

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