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Everybody Loves A Clown Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Everybody loves a clown, so why don't you?
Everybody laughs at the things that I say and do.
They all Laugh when they see me coming,
But you don't laugh, you just go on running.
Everybody loves a clown, so why can't you?
A clown has feelings too...

I joke around at a party when you are there,
But you don't laugh, you don't look, you just don't care.
If you wonder why this clown is crying,
Look a little closer - inside I'm dying.
It's not easy to be in love, you see,
When you're a clown like me.

I don't know how to say that I love you,
'Cause you would smile and say: Tell a joke or two.
Guess I'm a clown but I don't want to be,
Why can't you see the other side of me?
Guess that I'll be the guy who plays the part
Of a clown with a broken heart,
Dreaming of your love, and not knowing where to start...

Everybody Loves A Clown Lyrics

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