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A Little Fall Of Rain Lyrics

Album/Collection: Les Miserables (Act 2)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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     Don't you fret, M'sieur Marius
     I don't feel any pain
     A little fall of rain
     Can hardly hurt me now
     You're here, that's all I need to know
     And you will keep me safe
     And you will keep me close
     And rain will make the flowers grow.

     But you will live, 'Ponine - dear God above...
     If I could close your wounds with words of love...

     Just hold me now, and let it be.
     Shelter me, comfort me...

     You would live
     A hundred years
     If I could show you how
     I won't desert you now...

     The rain can't hurt me now
     This rain will wash away what's past
     And you will keep me safe
     And you will keep me close
     I'll sleep in your embrace at last
     The rain that brings you here
     Is Heaven-blessed!
     The skies begin to clear
     And I'm at rest
     A breath away from where you are
     I've come home from so far          Marius [in counterpoint]
     So don't you fret, M'sieur Marius       Hush-a-bye, dear Eponine
     I don't feel any pain                   You won't feel any pain
     A little fall of rain                   A little fall of rain
     Can hardly hurt me now                  Can hardly hurt you now
                                             I'm here
     That's all I need to know
     And you will keep me safe               I will stay with you
     And you will keep me close              Till you are sleeping
     And rain                                And rain
     Will make the flowers...                Will make the flowers...

     [She dies.  Marius kisses her, then lays her on the ground.]

     She is the first to fall
     The first of us to fall upon this barricade

     Her name was Eponine
     Her life was cold and dark, yet she was unafraid.

     We fight here in her name

     She will not die in vain.

     She will not be betrayed.

     [They carry her body off.]

A Little Fall Of Rain Lyrics

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