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Friends Lyrics

Album/Collection: Led Zeppelin 3
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Bright light almost blinding,
Black night still there shining,
I can't stop, keep on climbing,
Looking for what I knew.
Had a friend, she once told me,
"You got love, you ain't lonely,"
Now she's gone and left me only
Looking for what I knew.
Mmm, I'm telling you now,
The greatest thing you ever can do now,
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now,
It's very easy just.
Met a man on the roadside crying,
Without a friend, there's no denying,
You're incomplete, they'll be no finding
Looking for what you knew.
So anytime somebody needs you,
Don't let them down, altho' it grieves you,
Some day you'll need someone like they do,
Looking for what you knew.
Mmm, I'm telling you now,
the greatest thing you ever can do now,
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now,
It's very easy just...ooh, yeah. 

Friends Lyrics

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