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Twist Lyrics

Album/Collection: Life Is Peachy
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Twist, Twist


(for those of you who don't agree)

You're not the right one dumb d**n rapper
Not the right godd**n
Who are you to rap sh*t take off
And who says you're right
On top you think you'r bomb artista
But you're bent out of oooo right
Suck my d*ck
But don't you think that you're oooo right
Sometimes things might make me ooo ooo it makes me mad
And when it happens f**k it
Rugged in mind a hint by bite
Why does it not exist in you?
Right, sh*t, why hit in yet another day
Woo hoo right
It's not woo hoo right
But you'r wrong
Twist Twist Twist Twist
Put me in right now make mad
Prove that you're right
Somehow you're not right, huh
But that doesn't make me mad
Right now you're beggin' for a little brew
All night
Yeah it's so simple
I had some Red Dog, you hand over it
Twist Twist Twist


(what many people claim for these lyrics to be) 

Dixon: You've got something wild going on with your
vocals, You like to be really emotional in your vocal
KORN: Yeah, definitely. I feel that. It's just all personal stuff
that I think about. 

Dixon: Right, so...The intelligibility of the lyrics are not
always a big deal for you. People don't always have to
understand what you're saying?
KORN: No, they don't. I mean, I know what I'm saying. A
lot of people just relate with what I'm talking about. And also
the energy that we're into at the time. 

Dixon: And, speaking of lyrics, there's lot's of talk on the
internet, about some of your lyrics. What are some of the
mystery phrases that people seem to be tossing around?
KORN: I don't know, they're tripping out on that song lyrics
shit.They trip out on that pretty hard. Umh, Twist, They're
trying to figure out if I say anything on that, I don't. That's
just gibberish. I don't know. Stuff on the net, that's cool that
people are interested, they're sending me a lot of email about
it, but I don't really say much. 

Dixon: Are you guys on line or anything?
KORN: Yeah, I gotta be online, I carry a laptop on the road
and jack in wherever I am, that's all the time.

Twist Lyrics

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