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Helmet in the Bush Lyrics

Album/Collection: Korn
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's about a speed problem that I had. You know, you do a lot of speed and -- if you're a male -- your penis retracts severly. The guy heard at the beginning of the song is La Caco, a friend of the band. His real name is Michael and likes taco bell. He's a really Nice Guy and he has been friends with the band for years

I keep asking, what's your lie?
It is disturbing
This isn't mine (Why)
Days keep passing
A lot of time (Me)
I don't feel right
Please God let me sleep tonight

Everyday confronted circumvents giving in
I just wanna know why

Don't give it up
Don't hit my stick

I keep asking
Well, again, please try
It is haunting
This takes my mind (Why)
Days keep passing
Line after line (Me)
I don't feel right
Please God let don't let me die tonight,
Die tonight, die tonight, die tonight

Everyday confronted circumvents giving in
I just wanna know why

Don't give it up
Don't hit my stick

Please God
Please God
Please God help me
Please God free me
Please God help me
From my painful situation
Please God help me
Please God free me
Please God save me
From my painful situation

Please God don't let me slip in tonight, please God
Oh, please God don't let me chip in tonight, please God
Oh, please God don't let me slip in tonight, don't let me die
Please God don't let me give in tonight, don't let me die

Helmet in the Bush Lyrics

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