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Falling Away From Me Lyrics

Album/Collection: Issues
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Song Meaning, Jonathan:
The song is about domestic abuse and that there ways to get help whether it's telling someone or calling a help line, there are ways to get out of those situations. Noone has to be treated like that.

Hey, I'm feeling tired
My time, is gone today
You flirt with suicide
Sometimes, that's ok
Do what others say
I'm here, standing hollow
Falling away from me
Falling away from me

Day, is here fading
That's when, I would say
I flirt with suicide
Sometimes kill the pain
I can always say
'It's gonna be better tomorrow'
Falling away from me
Falling away from me

Beating me down
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Screaming of sound
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground

(falling away from me)
It's spinning round and round
(falling away from me)
It's lost and can't be found
(falling away from me)
It's spinning round and round
(falling away from me)
Slow it down

Beating me down
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Screaming of sound
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground

Pressing me, they won't go away
So I pray, go away

That's falling away from me
It's falling away from me
That's falling away from me

Beating me down
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Screaming of sound
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground

Falling Away From Me Lyrics

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