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Strutter Lyrics

Album/Collection: Kiss - 1974
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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- Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons
 I know a thing or two about her
 I know she'll only make you cry
 She'll let you walk the street beside her
 But when she wants she'll pass you by
 Everybody says she's lookin' good
 And the lady knows it's understood
 She wears her satins like a lady
 She gets her way just like a child
 You take her home and she says "Maybe, baby"
 She takes you down and drives you wild
 Everybody says she's lookin' good
 And the lady knows it's understood
 I know a thing or two about her
 I know she'll only make you cry
 She'll let you walk the street beside her
 But when she wants, she'll pass you by
 Everybody says she's lookin' good
 And the lady knows it's understood

Strutter Lyrics

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